Kimia Akhavein

Postdoctoral Fellow

Open Science Practices

In efforts to make scientific research more accessible, I am a supporter of open science practices, such as pre-registering hypotheses on the Open Science Framework and publishing pre-prints of manuscripts.

Pre-registered projects:
Akhavein, K. (2023, September 26). Investigating the Links Between Parent Math Anxiety, Parenting Behaviors, and Child Math Anxiety and Achievement in Middle Childhood.

Akhavein, K., Finch, J. E., Clark, C., Espy, K., and Nelson, J. M. (2022, April 29). The Unique Contribution of Preschool Executive Functions to Arithmetic Sign Switching in Elementary School.

Pre-prints of manuscripts:
 Akhavein, K. and Finch, J. Parent Math Anxiety and Children's Math Success: The Role of Autonomy-Supportive and Controlling Parenting Behaviors. Available at SSRN:

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